, 1 min read

eklausmeier.goip.de down

Since Friday, 10-Jun-2022, till Tuesday, 14-Jun-2022, eklausmeier.goip.de was down as the internet modem+router was defective. This downtime was unplanned.

Now online again.

Dates from UptimeRobot.

  1. Uptime robot reported downtime starting: 2022-06-10 12:23:16 UTC+1
  2. Uptime robot report machine up again: 2022-06-14 18:21:30 UTC+1

When website is down I am in "good company", see

  1. NASA Shutdown due to USA Government Shutdown
  2. YouTube 500 Internal Server Error
  3. Facebook was down on 19-Jun-2014
  4. WordPress down for a few minutes
  5. YouTube: Something went wrong

Added 16-Jun-2022: Today I encountered Handelsblatt, a German business newspaper, to be down, see image below.


Added 14-Sep-2024.

Hello there Elmar,

I have used the website status tool you mentioned on your page here: borussia.no-ip.org/blog/2022/06-14-eklausmeier-go-ip-down/

While uptimerobot.com does a good job, it's not really user-friendly and doesn’t work quite fast. I did some exploring and found the other tool below. It has no ads, quite straightforward and fast to load and I wanted to suggest you show it alongside the other one:


This tool allows you to check if your website is down across the globe or only on your computer screen, and it’s quite quick and easy to use (and it doesn’t cost a thing): -)

I hope I was able to return the favor, Emma